What is an industrial VPN ?

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VPN is basically described as ''Virtual Private Network''. The biggest reason for choosing as a communication system is that all data is encrypted and transferred and it allows to work in local network. Empleyees use of VPN is to ensure that comminication such as PC, Notebook, remote office is closed and secure.

With our ''HUBBOX Connection X1'' device, which we have developed for machines to provide VPN communication in industrial facilities, companies can benefit from technical support access to the machines or automation systems they purchase, and auxiliary and connection access services in data collection or SCADA comminication.

The difference of industrial VPN systems from other VPN Network systems can be defined as ensuring that many different companies and points can work together to ensure that an industrial system can work without interruption. As HUBBOX Industrial Technology, we work to ensure that all facilities and factories, machines or even a lamp work continuously, monitored and uninterruptedly with all the technologies we have developed.